Drones are developing at a remarkable pace, moving well beyond the small flying cameras we use to take great holiday videos. They are now being used in a multitude of industries, and I am sure can be used in your business somewhere.
In order to be able to imagine how you could use drones, you need to think beyond "how to do what we've always done, but just a bit better" and you need to adopt what I call "The Futurist's Question". This is: "What new ways are there todeliver value and outcomes to our clients, without just improving what we’ve always done?"
If you haven't watched last week's video, please do that first, and then settle down to this application lesson in learning how to think like a futurist. See: https://youtu.be/oMNUMNCCwyM
MORE: Have a look at this video of a parcel delivering drone: https://youtu.be/DOWDNBu9DkU