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ThrowForward Thursday 174: Imagine - end of 2024 message
ThrowForward Thursday 173: CEOs are not safe
ThrowForward Thursday 172: A Data Center sues town for all its water
ThrowForward Thursday 171: The 15 hour work week
ThrowForward Thursday 170: My AI assistant chooses who I vote for
ThrowForward Thursday 169: The End of Company Emails
ThrowForward Thursday 168: The Day The Internet Dies
ThrowForward Thursday 167: The Talking Robots are Human Controlled
ThrowForward Thursday 165: Smartphone Innovation (seems a bit stuck to me)
ThrowForward Thursday 165: Genetic Enhancement and Gender
ThrowForward Thursday 164: Clones: Copy Yourself
ThrowForward Thursday 163: The Great 50 year global drought
ThrowForward Thursday 162: Jet Pack Drone Racing League Suspended
ThrowForward Thursday 161: The Death of Outsourced Procurement
ThrowForward Thursday 160: Ancient Virus Released
ThrowForward Thursday 159: Human/Robot Bionics
ThrowForward Thursday 158: France Bans Energy Drinks (future scenario)
ThrowForward Thursday: Ep 157: Vocal Biomarker Disease Detection
ThrowForward Thursday 156: Season 5 Promo
ThrowForward Thursday 154: PROMO TomorrowToday Podcast with Tamryn Batcheller-Adams